Farm Real Estate Loans

Real Estate Loans Built for Your Success

  • Finance, refinance or make improvements - Our real estate loans have all your farm needs covered whether you're financing a new purchase, refinancing your current loan or making farm improvements.
  • Fully amortized fixed rate loans of up to 30 years. We offer lower, more manageable payments on annual, semi-annual, quarterly or monthly terms - it's your choice.
  • No pre-payment penalty on standard loans- pay ahead or pay it off any time you want!
  • Lower interest rate rewards offered to borrowers who want to forego some prepayment flexibility.

We understand that farming decisions are business decisions, and the world isn't going to wait for you to secure financing. That's why we offer On The Spot loans. On most loans under $500,000, we're able to provide fast and convenient On The Spot Financing, within 24-hours of receiving your application. By phone, fax or office visit, you answer a few quick questions and you get our credit decision in one working day.

Farm Credit Southeast Missouri offers several interest rate programs for Real Estate Farm Loans, including:

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