Alan Hicks, EVP/CCO Retires with 35 Years of Service

SIKESTON, MO, February 1, 2022 – Alan Hicks retired on January 31, 2022, from Farm Credit Southeast Missouri after 35 years of service. Hicks joined the organization in 1986 as a Loan Officer and served in the roles of Vice President/Branch Manager at the Poplar Bluff office for 25 years, Senior Vice President/Senior Relationship Officer at the Central Office, and most recently as Executive Vice President/Chief Credit Officer for the past 5 years.
Association President Greg Cunningham praised Alan for his significant contributions. Cunningham stated “We’ve greatly appreciated Alan’s leadership, common sense approach to lending, and his mentorship over the years. Farm Credit has been very fortunate to have an individual with the skills, experience, and rapport with all of our staff and board of directors that Alan possessed.” The board of directors and employees of Farm Credit hold Hicks in the highest regard and congratulate him on his well-deserved retirement.
Headquartered in Sikeston, Missouri, Farm Credit Southeast Missouri is a $900 million agricultural lending cooperative serving Bollinger, Butler, Carter, Cape Girardeau, Dunklin, Mississippi, New Madrid, Pemiscot, Ripley, Scott, Stoddard, and Wayne Counties in Southeast Missouri.
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Relevant address: 1116 N. Main Street, Sikeston, MO 63801